Get Your Official Sick Note Online – Fast, Easy, and Affordable

Receive a Doctor-Approved Sick Note in Minutes for Just 29€, Without Leaving Home
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Get Your Official Sick Note Online – Fast, Easy, and Affordable

Receive a Doctor-Approved Sick Note in Minutes for Just 29€, Without Leaving Home


Simple & robust process. Fill a questionnaire, answer the doctor’s call & receive your sick note right away.


Get your sick notes by consulting an expert EU licensed General Physician from the comfort of your home.


We adhere to all the legal requirements to ensure that our sick notes are valid for all EU countries & the UK.


Get your appointment, consultation and sick note all within 10 minutes. No video calls required.

Conditions We Cover

We provide sick notes for common mild to moderate diseases and conditions that can make you skip work or school.

choronic pain sicknote

Chronic Pain

We provide sick notes for chronic pain including backaches, headaches, joint pains and more.


We provide sick notes for stress conditions like work stress, financial stress, and health stress etc.

sicknote for gestro stomac

Respiratory & GI Diseases

We cover all the common respiratory and GI diseases, including common cold, flu, nausea and more.


Anxiety & Depression

We provide sick notes for anxiety, depression, nervousness, and related mental health concerns.

Our Lead General Physician

Dr. Viktor Simunovic M.D.-Owner and CEO of SickNote

Dr. Viktor Simunovic M.D.

Viktor is an esteemed figure in the intersection of healthcare and technology, renowned for his significant contributions to improving healthcare delivery through innovation. As the author of “Longevity: Future of Enhanced Lifespans and Vitality,” Dr. Simunovic offers a compelling vision of the future where medical advancements and technology converge to extend human life and enhance vitality. His book not only showcases his extensive knowledge as a medical doctor but also reflects his forward-thinking approach to the potential of healthcare technologies.

With a career spanning over a decade, Dr. Simunovic has utilized his expertise to streamline healthcare operations and provide essential services to patients globally. He is the co-founder of EUDoctor, a platform designed to address the inefficiencies in the healthcare system by offering multilingual, high-quality online medical consultations. This endeavor highlights his commitment to making healthcare accessible and efficient across the European Union.

Why Do You Need A Sick Note

  • It provides verification or proof of your illness or injury to the employers, schools and other institutions. 
  • It supports you to return to work or school.
  • It helps you to claim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and other benefits at work.
  • It helps schools to track absences, access academic impact and provide support and accommodations to students.
patient in the hospital-Doctor Checking her teeth
Get Sick Note in simple Process

Our Simple Process

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